Tampa Florida Child Custody Attorney
AVVO Top Rated Tampa Family Law Firm &
Child Custody Attorney
Defining Child "Custody" & "Time-Sharing" Florida Family
LawIf you are anticipating a
contested divorce or if you are unmarried
with children and establishing paternity, it's important to
understand the legal terms used regarding the children. What
used to be termed "custody" has now been replaced by the legal
terms "parental responsibilities" and "time sharing." In many
Florida family law cases, particularly in high conflict and
contested divorce or custody cases, the courts will determine
the legal relationship between each parent and child when the
parents cannot agree. Below you will find the different types of
custody that will be considered. Equal time-sharing &
Time-sharing, Many Florida courts lean towards a 50/50
timesharing schedule for parents. It provides for the physical
and legal custody of the child or children.
Timesharing Defined
Timesharing is the amount of time each parent will spend with
the children. Parents are required to fill out a
parenting plan
which becomes a part of the final judgement. When the parents
cannot reach an agreement on time sharing, the courts will make
this decision and allocate the amount of time they deem
appropriate based upon the children's best interest. Read more:
Time sharing
Resolving High Conflict or Contested Custody &
Divorce is a highly emotional time for families. Unmarried
parents also experience conflict with regards to custody and
timesharing. It's important to be focused on the best interests
of the children. It remains however, that custody and
timesharing conflicts are the most contested areas of family
law. Many times there are very valid reasons to contest "equal"
timesharing. Some of these reasons are as follows:
Parental allienation - Parental allienation
is never in the best interest of the child. Parental allienation
can arise when one parent seeks to seperate the other parent
from the child, isolate or turn the child against the parent.
Unfit Parents - It's common to accuse a parent
of being unfit in an effort to obtain more time-sharing or to
obtain sole custody. Sadly, there are unfit parents, but there
are also parents who will make these claims to obtain more
timesharing, thus to reduce their support obligation or increase
the amount of support received. If you are concerned about your
child being in an unfit situation, it is best to consult with a
Tampa family law attorney for advice. Again, doing what is in
the best interest of the child is crucial.
Domestic abuse - Domestic and sexual abuse of
you or your children is a serious matter. If you are in an
abusive situation, the first step is to seek out support and to
speak with a family law attorney for advice. A history of
domestic abuse can certainly effect timesharing and custody
outcomes. If you are divorcing and have suspected abuse, you
must report it to the appropriate agencies.
False claims of domestic abuse- There are cases
where a parent will make false allegations of sexual or domestic
abuse against the other parent. This is not only against the law
to make false statements to obtain favor in a family law matter,
but it is also a form of parental allienation.
Frequently, parents who are in high conflict child custody and
timesharing cases will do things that you never thought they
would, disregarding the best interests of the children. Rather
one parent seems more focused on winning or gaining more
favorable financial outcomes. Unfortunately when this is the
case, the children inevitably lose. Hiring a Tampa family law
attorney who can address the conflicts you are having is the
first step to resolving these problems.
Nilo J Sanchez is an experienced family law attorney in
Tampa with a proven ability to manage high conflict divorce and
family law cases. For a consultation call 813-879-4600.

Read More About:
More About Child Custody in Florida
Tampa Parental Rights
Resolve Your Custody Issues
Hiring a Child Custody Attorney
Can Help to Protect
Your Parental Rights
Establishing Paternity and Child Support
Hiring a Tampa child custody lawyer
Sharing and How it Affects Child Support
Timesharing & Custody Modifications
Child Support -
How Time-Sharing Affects Child Support
Modification of Child
Modification of Final Order and Relocation With a Child/Children
Temporary Custody of Minor Children by a Family Member
Parenting Plans & Timesharing
Summer 2017 Time
Sharing & Parenting Plans
Custody Blog Lawyers.com
Sharing & Child Custody Florida Helpful TipsFlorida Parenting Plan FormFlorida Long Distant Parenting
Parenting Plans